. . . to Move believers in Christ toward Maturity and Ministry.
Taylor Creek Church is part of the General Association of Regular Baptist Churches. We are a Bible-teaching church which holds to salvation by faith alone, in Christ alone, unmerited, by God’s grace. We believe the Scriptures are relevant and authoritative for every generation and that they are sufficient to build our faith, to equip us for every good work, to judge our lives as pleasing to the Lord, and to give wisdom and counsel for all that we face in this life. We are committed to the encouragement and building of strong families and individuals through the systematic teaching of the Word of God.
A Message from our Pastor:
Welcome to Taylor Creek Church! Whether this is a one-time visit, you are looking for a church home, or you regularly enjoy the resources available here, we want you to know that we are honored to serve you on behalf of Christ.
As you view the various ministries and resources, we hope that you sense the heart of our church. We exist to worship God, to exalt His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, to nurture and care for one another, and to share the good news about the forgiveness of sins found in Christ alone.
Because we believe the Bible is God’s inspired and inerrant Word to us, Scripture is our ultimate authority. It is relevant and authoritative for every generation and sufficient for the issues one faces in this life. We trust that in the worship services and throughout every ministry, you will discover that our central message is the same–the Word of God.
We have endeavored in this website to answer the many questions you may have about Taylor Creek Church. If you have further questions about the Church or Ministries of TCC, we would love to hear from you. Please feel free to call us at (425) 432-0634, or email us at tcc@taylorcreekchurch.org.
Before you leave, I must ask, are you still under the condemnation for your sin before God? If you have never found forgiveness for your sin in Christ alone, then I invite you to click here to find out how. If you have come to know God through the sacrifice of His Son, it is our prayer that you would grow and walk in His grace.
In Christ,
Jason Katen
Senior Pastor